2009.09.14. 11:23 KiralyA

Welcome readers, good bye plastic waste!

A comprehensive policy to address the plastic waste problem in the European Union, as well as in Hungary has been long overdue. Now it is hightime for all stakeholders of the private and public sector to harness their resources and capability and get involved in the programmes designed to tackle the problem of plastic waste. However, there are numerous attempts by environmentalists to control the production and use of plastics, they often bump into barriers that prevent communities, businesses, and people from employing environmetally sensitive methods for treating plastic waste.

Our main goal is to create awereness about the necessity of a comprehensive environmental policy in the field of waste production and recyclement and to broaden the acceptance and practice of alternative methodes in this field. The initiative of our project is to mediate between the private sector- companies responsible for the plastic waste- and the scientific sector who offers alternative, enviromental solution for reducing this waste. To meet these goals we create this platform which helps not only to meet scientists, businessmen, and governmental regulators but also negotiate between them in order to find best matches between problems and methods of dealing with the problem of plastic waste.


 Why it is worthwhile?

  • Plastic bags are produced from polymers derived from petroleum. The amount of petroleum used to make a plastic bag would drive a car about 11 metres. (source - CUA)
  • Five 2-liter recycled PET bottles produce enough fiberfill to make a ski jacket. –Environmental Protection Agency, 2002



On this site there are some more facts about plastic:





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