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2009.10.07. 00:15 youish

Waste World- EcoDesign Festival


Waste World- EcoDesign Festival (Szemét Világ- Öko Design Festival) is organized between 3 September 2009 and 3 March 2010 in VAM Design Center in Budapest, Hungary. The ultimate purpose of the festival is to draw attention to the growing problem of waste. During these month series of programs are organized to seek and offer solution for the reuse and recycling of waste.

Programs are organized in two different lines: on one hand, it deals with the reuse and recycling of waste and on the other hand, with the prevention of waste formation. Organizers’ intention is to spread the idea of environmentally conscious lifestyle, recycling, the use of organic materials, and to promote the aspects of ecocentric thinking by so called waste design.

The participants of the festivals are Hungarian and foreign artists from a wide range of fields: fine art, handicraft, but also modern dance and music. The patron of the festival is Imre Szabó, the Hungarian Minister of Environment and Water.


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Címkék: design festival recycling waste

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